Monday, December 14, 2009


the smell of a cigarette stains my skin

your lips

my hair

your tongue

my sin.

the feel of a cigarette burns my hand

your fingers

my mouth

your clothes

and my mind in a way only it can.

the taste of a cigarette lingers on me

your car

my bed

your teeth

my hate to leave.

the sight of my cigarette being devoured

your smile

my pain

your pleasure

myself the coward.

the sound of my cigarette being inhaled

your breath

my shudder

your drag

i’ve failed.

the smell of your body stains my skin

your lips

my hair

your tongue

my sin.

the feel of your body burns my hand

your fingers

my mouth

your clothes

and my mind in a way only it can.

the taste of your body lingers on me

your car

my bed

your teeth

how could you leave?

the sight of your body being devoured

your smile

my pain

your pleasure

myself the coward.

the sound of your body being inhaled

your breath

my shudder

your drag

we’ve failed.

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